
Phil's News

Hellmuth Out Early!

Unfortunately Phil Hellmuth has gone out of the WPT Bay 101 tournament in 79th place out of the money. A big chance for Hellmuth to get a WPT win under his belt has gone amiss, however he will now be looking forward to the WPT Bellagio Championship and having success in that tournament, good luck to him.  

Your Reviews 

I would like for anyone who is interested in writing reviews for online sites to email me. I am making a new site and would like some help as there is a lot to do. There are a lot of things for you to do not just reviews. It is a general poker site and should be on the web by the end of april.
E - mail me at [email protected] if you are interested.

Phil Hellmuth Player Profile

Name: Phil Hellmuth Jr

Nickname: The Poker Brat
Location: Palo Alto, CA, United States
Cashes: 136
Total Winnings: $8,678,596

Books:Play Poker like the Pros, Bad Beats and Lucky Draws, and The Greatest Poker Hands ever played.
First Place Finishes: 20
WSOP Bracelets: 11 (record holder)

Online: Plays on Ultimate Bet
ProRank 1 Position: 276 
Children: 2 boys
Started Playing Poker: In college in 1985
Favourite Poker Game:NL Texas Hold 'em
Ambition: To be the best poker player of all time
Hobbies: My website,
Favourite Music: '80s and '90s rock and roll
Poker Players I Respect Most: Ted Forrest has a great heart and plays great poker, Johnny Chan plays great poker and manages to spend time with his six children, Annie Duke is a huge family person and she manages to play great poker as well. I like the poker players that keep their priorities right. 
If I could change anything in the poker world: I would like to find a way to make the general public understand poker. I believe that if the public understood poker, then it would become 'bigger than golf' worldwide. I mean anyone of any age (John Bonetti-71, Daniel Negreanu-25), sex, religion, race or nationality can play and enjoy this game. Physical prowess is not required in poker. You can use your mind to participate in poker.

Phil Hellmuth Schedule

April 2009:
04 - 09        WPT Foxwoods Tournament, Foxwoods Casino and Resort
18 - 25        WPT Bellagio Championship, Bellagio, Las Vegas

May 2009:
26 - 15        World Series Of Poker 2009, Las Vegas

September 2009:
17 - 01        World Series Of Poker Europe, London UK

October 2009:
03 - 10        Aruba Poker Classic 2009, Aruba

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